Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Greer's Ramblings

The Primrose, December 2009

I do not believe that I did it again. I had a whole month to write my little portion of deathless prose for this column. But what did I do? I wait until the day of the deadline. What is wrong with me? I suppose it is the same thing that was wrong with me in school, and that has been wrong with me for my whole life. Hi, my name is Greer. I am a procrastinator. It has been 10 minutes since I last procrastinated. Sigh.
To cut myself a bit of slack, my “Greer-life” has been pretty normal recently. This is probably good in many ways, but I have not been doing much that is new and adventurous and exciting. That of course leads to a lack of new and adventurous and exciting things to write about. Hmm, it sounds like my “Greer-life” is becoming dangerously like what’s-his-name’s life. OMG! Unacceptable! Panic!
What have I done since my last deadline? Well, there was the Halloween Extravaganza, a very disappointing Halloween weekend, my CD support group, CGS business meeting, and the monthly Transformations T-party. Heck, I should be able to make up some interesting stuff about all of that! I will do just that in the next section. But first, there is still this nagging thought that I need to add a bit of “pizzazz” to things.
What I need are some fresh ideas. Ideas for things to do that will be new and adventurous and exciting! Can you help dear reader? Do you have any ideas that you might care to pass along? Send me an email at greercd@hotmail.com. Oh, please do not bother to suggest skydiving or base jumping or any such falling activity. While this might be interesting in a skirt, my fear of heights would fully negate the excitement.
The Halloween Extravaganza, sponsored by Transformations
and Skyscaper Heels, moved to a new venue this year, it was in a motel banquet room, the name of which completely escapes me. Memory issues aside (and I frequently use asides as you know, although it is sometimes better to stay neutral, that is do not pick a side. Sorry), I believe a great time was had by all. My only quibbles were with the food and drink. Apparently the banquet facilities are just getting started so the bar was not yet properly equipped and some basic things were unavailable. As for the food, it was good, but the variety of past years was absent. Enough of my being picky, on with the fun stuff.
You may recall from last month, after much searching and agony, I ended up with a costume called “Sexy Swashbuckler”. Aye mateys, I shoulda been talkin’ like a pirate and making landlubbers walk d’plank. Alas, lacking an appropriate hat, eye patch, parrot and treasure chest, I looked much more like a serving wench than a swashbuckler. And of course that was fine with me! Another flagon of ale sir?
The standout costumes of the night were The Terminator and Nosferatu. Both were excellent costumes and well deserved their first and second place wins in the contest (they were costumes weren’t they?). I entered the contest at the last moment, but the judges sent me around to the servants entrance and then sent me for more drinks when I tried to step onto the stage. I would have been less disappointed if they would have at least pinched my bottom.
Another standout costume that deserves mention was that of our own VP Christine. Apparently having lived for the last year in her correct gender, she thought it would be amusing to come in drag, that is as a guy. In a suit and tie no less. Personally, I found the effect to be rather disorienting and highly confusing. Where was my BFF? Sensing my discomfort, Christine gave me a hug, and I was much better. But next time dear, please go for “Sexy Whatever”. Much less disturbing.

For some months I had planned to get together with a friend from the Twin Cities over the Halloween weekend. She was going to come in Friday and we were going to party all weekend. Unfortunately, she had to cancel because of work. Very disappointing. So I stayed home and passed out candy to adorable little neighborhood children. I realized that some of the younger ones had no idea why their parents were forcing them to take candy from these strangers. Didn’t they always say you shouldn’t do that? Is life always going to be so whimsical?
Early this year, I helped to start a new support group for crossdressers out in the Western burbs. We meet on the first Thursday of each month in Naperville in the offices of a delightful therapist of my acquaintance (she did what she could for me, but I am still crazy). The group has been growing very slowly, but we are making progress. For me it has been a great opportunity to help some new members of the community find their feet (there they are, in those high heels). We have been taking an unstructured approach in our meetings. Mostly we just chat about whatever is on our minds. Of course I always take this as an opportunity to dress in something conservative (don’t want to scare anyone), and attendees are welcome to come in drab or drag as they wish.
If you or someone you know might be interested in joining us, please drop me an email.


I thought I looked pretty sharp for the November CGS business meeting in my black jacket and short black skirt. But Gina showed me up in her “new” outfit of boots and dress from ebay. Alas, Jill put us both to shame in her very “butch” outfit featuring blue jeans, t-shirt, backwards cap, and 5:00 shadow. Ah, what ever happened to the lovely long blonde hair?
The program for the evening featured Karen Heart talking about relationships and communicating. It seems that grunting and swinging a heavy club (watch it!) is no longer the best way to communicate and to foster a good relationship. Nor should we be using those old reliables, guilt and snide comments. Is it really possible that we can get somewhere by being open and telling our significant others what we want? Nah! Sorry Karen, but honesty just can’t be the answer! Where’s the scheming and conniving? The plotting and keeping of score? Can it really work?

The November T-Party was another crowd-
pleaser. Big Shot in Arlington Heights really is a very nice place to meet. Subdued lighting without being dark (or strobing). Pleasant music without being too loud (and with natural pauses between songs). A little dance floor for those so inclined (and a couple were this time). A drink menu that brings joy to every martini drinker in the community (and a couple of nice single malts for the rest of us). But do you know what really makes Big Shot special? Well, on the third Thursday of the month, you can find the nicest (and best looking) group of people there, sitting and standing around the Southwest corner of the room.


The holiday season has arrived. As I write this, it is just a few days before Thanksgiving. Of course that also signals the official start of the shopping season. That wonderful time when even the most shy and closeted of us can buy those special things and pretend they are for the wife or girlfriend. Seriously though, like many of you, this has always been my favorite time of year. The gifts and the parties are fun of course, but what I really like is the way that everyone seems a bit more cheerful, a bit more friendly, a bit more approachable, perhaps even a bit more tolerant. With that in mind, let me tell you a very small story.
There once was a person. Sometimes he was a boy, and sometimes she was a girl. When he was a boy, he had some friends who knew him only as a boy. They would talk and laugh and enjoy life together. When she was a girl, she had some friends who knew her only as a girl. They would talk and laugh and enjoy life together. The person enjoyed all of the friends. But at times, the person was sad. The person didn’t really understand why his friends and her friends couldn’t all be friends together. Why indeed the person thought. So the person decided to bring some of his friends and some of her friends together for a party. They will all have fun and get along together famously, the person said. So the party was planned, and the invitations were sent. But deep inside the person was worried. What if his friends thought her friends were stupid? What if her friends thought his friends were weird? What if all of the friends got mad at the person for having such a bad idea? But on the other hand, what if they really do get along and talk and laugh and enjoy life together? Wouldn’t that be wonderful!
How do you think the story will end? To be continued next month . . .


As we enjoy this special time of year, I am grateful for the gift of friendship. The gift that I have come to share with many of you over the last year or two, and the gift that I hope to share with all of you in the future. Thank you for sharing yourselves with me, and for helping me to enjoy all of who I am.


Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Please send to me at greercd@hotmail.com.

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